I thought it was time to do a little round up of…CAMERAS. I know most of you reading this are aspiring bloggers, influencers or maybe you just want to take some epic photos. It took me YEARS to find a camera that worked for me. The DSLR’s were too clunky,...

This post has been a long time coming and I thought I owed a little explanation to you guys (and really to myself) about all the new changes in my life. Change is awesome, I embrace it and truly thrive on it. Change leads to the end of one thing and the beginning of...

When Emin and I first got married we made a promise to travel as much as possible, specifically in the US. We wanted to explore and see a little bit of our own backyard before kids and adulting came into play. One night we sat on our couch and wrote down four places...

My favorite time of the year are the beginnings of each new season…I’m always so inspired by a fresh start and a clean slate, especially in the wardrobe department. Shopping for the new season is true happiness for a fashion blogger. I’ve recently...

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