This post is sponsored by BTL Aesthetics

When I was asked to try out the new BTL EMSCULPT machine I was intrigued, curious and a little unsure. I say unsure because I didn’t fully understand the concept until my first visit (and I can’t wait to share more information with all of you). There were a number of reasons I said YES to trying out the EMSCULPT

As you guys know I’m not a “gym” person. I live an active, healthy life but by no means visit the gym on a regular basis. My lifestyle is just not centered around working out…although I do try my best! One major thing I felt I lacked in my body was the inability to build up my core and have a strong center. I also felt like I could use a little lift in my butt but wanted to keep my thighs as is. I often feel like a week of squats leads me to bulk up in my lower half and that is not what I wanted! Lastly, I’m just a spontaneous person and LOVE to try out new things so when this landed on my lap I jumped into it! It couldn’t hurt, right?

So what IS EMSCULPT? EMSCULPT is the first ever non-invasive body shaping procedure that addresses both muscle and fat. It strengths and firms the core and butt with HIFEM magnetic field technology. What is HIFEM magnetic field technology? Well HIFEM induces 20,000 supermaxial muscle contractions per session to build muscle and burn fat. The easiest way I can describe it is the paddle is placed on your body and contracts your muscles for you as you lay. At first the feeling is extremely weird because your abs crunch up without you trying but it’s completely pain free, with no downtime required. It penetrates deeper than doing any squat or sit-up would!

I am now on my fourth (and last) session. These photos were taken on my third visit and I already see a world of a difference! My core is tighter on a deeper level. I don’t have a six pack by any means but I see definition in my obliques and feel stronger. My butt is also rounder and more lifted. I will continue to see results in the next few months and will keep you guys posted on some before and after photos!

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