It’s been 1 week and 1 day since Brady entered my life and changed my world forever. I don’t know what I was expecting going into this journey. I knew I was ready to be a mom and start a family but I didn’t expect to feel this kind of love so...

We are down to the wire guys! Only a few short weeks left and I finally finished packing my hospital bag. I didn’t over pack because I’ve read and heard that the hospital provides a lot of the essentials for you and baby. Think pads, diapers, pacifiers...

I’ve never had a bedroom quite like this one before…a personal sanctuary – our master bedroom! It’s taken months to complete but finally all the pieces are in place and I could have never dreamed up something more perfect. I teamed up with the...

A few weeks ago I asked you guys on Instagram if you preferred having clean, organized Instagram stories for shoppable links or if it didn’t matter at all. Almost 80% of you said having a staple “shop now/swipe up” story would make it easier. And I...

I’ve struggled my entire life with thicker calves and ankles (thanks Dad). I remember hating my lower legs as a kid and noticing how different they were from other girls. My bones are just big, my ankles or rather cankles are wide and finding shoes that work has...

It’s hard to believe that I am 31 weeks and 2 days along now. Wasn’t it just yesterday I posted my first trimester update? Time is definitely passing by and some days are harder than others. After 31 weeks I’ve seriously discovered the products and...

Over this past weekend Emin and I had a co-ed Baby “Shower” I use the term “shower” lightly because it was really just a little party with our immediate family and best friends. I went back and forth on having anything at all for awhile and...

With our baby shower a few short weeks away I wanted to share my Baby Registry items with you guys! It took me a long time to complete this list…as I said before a ton of my friends are pregnant so I basically gathered all their registries into one and then...

Spending a week in Maui was just what I needed to recharge! Emin and I headed west for a little Babymoon before Baby V’s arrival. It was the first time either of us had been to Hawaii so we went with zero expectations (especially since I am 6 months pregnant)!...

You guys know how much I enjoy editing photos. It’s honestly so therapeutic for me and puts me in the BEST mood. When I first started blogging (mmmm some 8 years ago!) I discovered PicMonkey, an online website that allows you to add filters, edit lighting and even...

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